New Year’s Eve day – New Years Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents’ Day
Memorial Day
July Independence Day observed
AF Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans’ Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday following Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day
Library Closure Policy
The American Falls District Library recognizes, on occasion, inclement weather and other unusual conditions may prevent the library from opening, postpone opening, or require early closing. However, maximum effort will be made to maintain regular operating hours.
The American Falls District Library Closure Policy is as follows:
- In the event that conditions arise requiring a premature closing of the library due to inclement weather or other emergency issues, the Library Director, in consultation with a board member, may close the library to the public.
- Situations which may result in closing the library may include, but are not limited to, inclement weather, a power outage, a prolonged internet issue, a failure of the building heating system, and any unsafe or unhealthy conditions.
- All library loan periods will be extended when this occurs
Every effort will be made to have closure announcements posted on media available. Our website is the most accurate source of information.
All library programs and classes are cancelled when the library is closed. Public meetings and programs scheduled in the library’s community room are also cancelled when the library is closed.