YALSA’s Teen Book Finder is a free app to help teens, parents, librarians and library staff, educators, and anyone who loves YA literature access to the past three years’ of YALSA’s awards and lists on their smartphone.
Download the app now!
App features include:
- a homepage featuring three titles from the database, refreshed each day
- the ability to search for books by author, title, award/list year, genre, by award, and by booklist
- a Find It! button, powered by the OCLC WorldCat Search API, that will show users where to find the book in a nearby library
- a Favorites button, to create an individualized booklist
- the ability to share books from the Teen Book Finder on Twitter and Facebook
The app is funded by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. The app was developed by Ora Interactive.
Have a question or comment about the app or want to report a bug? Contactyalsa@ala.org.