Category Archives: Uncategorized

PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Due to IDAHO Code 18-1517(b) the American Falls District Library will be implementing a 3 tiered choice of library cards for all minors (anyone under the age of 18)

 Starting July 1st all parents or guardians will be required to choose which tiered card they wish for their children. This will determine which materials they will be allowed to check out from the library. You will be able to choose … Continue reading

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PARENTS and GUARDIANS: Due to IDAHO Code 18-1517(b) the American Falls District Library will be implementing a 3 tiered choice of library cards for all minors (anyone under the age of 18)  Starting July 1st all parents or guardians will … Continue reading

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Board Meeting Agenda

 BOARD MEETING AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMERICAN FALLS DISTRICT LIBRARY MEETMEETING DATE:  JUNE 27, 2024 TIME: 4:00 pm Call to Order Action Item: Policy Review- Circulation Policy Action Item: Policy Review- Collection Development Action Item: Reconsideration Form Action Item: Relocation … Continue reading

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Summer Reading

What time is it???? It’s Summer Reading time….well, almost. We are busy preparing and super excited for this years program! Registration begins Tuesday, May 28th, and reading begins on June 7th. We have programs for all ages. The theme is … Continue reading

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Adult Art Class

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Library Board Meeting

BOARD MEETING AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMERICAN FALLS DISTRICT LIBRARY MEETING DATE:  MAY 1, 2024 TIME: 6:00 PM Call to Order Action Item: Approval of April’s Meeting Minutes Action Item: Approval of April’s Bills Paid Treasurers Report Director’s Report Other … Continue reading

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Adult Art Class

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Board Meeting

AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES AMERICAN FALLS DISTRICT LIBRARY MEETING DATE:  APRIL 3, 2024 TIME: 6:00 PM Call to Order Action Item: Approval of February’s and March’s Meeting Minutes Action Item: Approval of February’s and March’s Bills Paid Action Item: Set … Continue reading

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