The library BOOK DROPS will be open Monday, May 18th! We would ask that all patrons with library books and movies would return the materials during the week of May 18th – 22nd through the book drop. The library staff will spend that week quarantining, disinfecting and then shelving those library materials. All materials that come in must be subjected to a 72-hour quarantine period before they are available again.
On Tuesday May 26th the library will start curbside delivery to the public using our parking lot. Starting that Tuesday books can be put on hold by going to the library website at and then using the online catalog or calling the library at 226-2335. Those items, if available, will be ready for pick up the next day.
More information will be posted next week through the paper, the library Facebook page and our website at or by calling 226-2335 after May 18th.
This process will be our operating procedure until it is advisable to open the doors to a limited number of patrons at a time, and then transitioning to full library services.
We appreciate your patronage and understanding! We ask for patience as we work through this unprecedented time. We look forward to seeing your faces and helping with your library needs once again.